Friday, November 30, 2012
Happy Holidays Everyone!! Hard to believe it is that time of year again especially since our Dallas weather has been unseasonably warm! However, we are beginning to get into holiday mode at the Lion’s Den. Stockings and lights will be hung with care; the kids will come in after school and sneak a peek to make sure there is a stocking with their name…it’s not ‘cool’ to be obvious about it, but it does assure them of their importance to us when they see they were not forgotten. It’s an annual tradition. We will have gifts for our Lion’s Den kiddos and children in our immediate ministry neighborhood. After doing this for many years, we know that for some of them it will be the only Christmas presents they receive.
We need your help! Please click on DONATE on our homepage and send a financial gift through PayPal to help us make Christmas merry for some very special kids. Or you can mail a check to P.O. Box 140164, Dallas, TX 75214. We will purchase a wide variety of gift cards and items that we know will light up some smiles through the holidays. Thank you – and have a blessed holiday season.